Sunday, August 15, 2010

This & That...

Well, a week ago mom & dad got here & were here until Friday visiting. We had a GREAT time! :) We went to the beach, then went to Kennedy Space Center & Medieval Times...then spent the night at an awesome resort & then went to Downtown Disney on the way back here to my house. :)

They left Friday afternoon earlier than planned because dad received a call that my grandpa wasn't coherent & they thought he had a stroke. When he got tot he hospital they learned that he did in fact have a stroke. He is now unconscious (coma basically) & they are saying that if he doesn't pass in the next 24 hours that they will have to move him to a nursing home until he does. :( Please pray for our family during this time. He is my only living grandparent.

On another note, kids start school the 23rd & then it's back to the PTA grind for me...not to mention chaotic times for the Ombudsman in myself & my best friend as we await the return of our Sully Sailors.
Which means NOT MUCH LONGER & JAY WILL BE HOME!!!! (I bet you can all picture me yelling that too...haha)

I have added a few pictures from our mini-vacation...enjoy & hope all is well with everyone!!

Love, Sarah