Saturday, September 26, 2009

Abby's 9th Birthday...

On September 19, we celebrated Abby's birthday...check out the great pictures of our little girl that is now 9! :)

Ombudsman Appreciation Dinner!

This past Thursday, the base held an Ombudsman Appreciation Dinner for all the Ombudsman on the base. Jay was able to go with me & we had a GREAT time! :) Here are some of the pics...

Apryl & I with our command...

Jay & I...

Apryl & Andy...

Apryl & I...

Dawn & I...& Andy...HAHA...


Hi everyone! Most of you don't know but a couple weeks ago I went to a plastic surgeon about getting a breast reduction. The doctor seemed to think that it was going to get approved by Tricare (our military insurance) but, you never know so I have been calling our insurance company a couple times a week to check on it. Well, after I got home from the gym on Monday & I called (just to check) & it was pending. But the lady on the phone told me that I could always go online to track it so, I did. In the time that it took me to get a sign in for the website, it had been APPROVED! :) So, I called Tricare (just to double check that it wasn't a mistake) & sure enough, it was approved! :) So, I called the plastic surgeon & they now have me schedule for OCTOBER 5 @ 7:30AM! :)
I will update everyone as things progress. Please keep me in your thoughts & has taken me MANY years to make this decision permanent (I HATE the thought of surgery...having c-sections is one thing because they weren't elected..this is an electoral surgery...). But, I figure this will help me out physically & mentally! Thank you all for your support (no pun intended)!! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

CO Tillotson Talking about his Ombudsmen (Apryl & I)

School Year 2009-2010

Well, another school year has begun! Kali is in 3rd grade, Abby is in 3rd grade & Kaleb is in 2nd. The first week was great! So, here's hoping it's a start to a GREAT & UNEVENTFUL year! :) I am now the PTA's VP of Volunteers & am LOVING it! With this position falling into my lap, I have also reconnected with a great friend who is the PTA President this year! :) So YAY for that! :) I am looking forward to helping the school out in anyway possible! With that being said...I want to tell you a story that happened the first day of school...HAHA! Ok, not so funny! BUT, I got a call that morning that Kaleb had fallen but they got him patched up & he was back in class. So, I didn't think that it was that bad. When he came out of the school on Monday afternoon, he was scabbed from above his lip all the way up to in between his mouth dropped! Apparently he was running to get in line in the gym & fell. So, I like to dub this stint his magic carpet ride...on his face! :( The poor little guy. Mind you it's been almost a week & all the scabs are gone & he looks semi-normal but, I still feel horrible that I didn't think it was as bad as it was. :( Ok, there's the story! Hope that everyone else is having a great school year! :)

USS The Sullivans Change of Command

On Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 10am, CDR Ryan Tillotson turned over the USS The Sullivans command to CDR Neil Funtanilla. It was an emotional morning as we all prepared ourselves to say good bye to a great CO! Now, he's not dying or anything, we will keep in touch BUT, we will not work for him anymore! :( Apryl & I have been proud & very privileged to say for the last year & a half that we were CO Tillotson's "Buds"...Ombudsmen. He was our friend, our leader & a great man! We will miss him & his family (his wife Amy & daughter Olivia) as they set sail (no pun intended) on their next adventure in Colorado! CDR Tillotson, Fair Winds & Following Seas sir...we love you!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Well, about a week ago, I did it. I got more than 1/2" off my hair. It was a shock...let me know what you think! :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Family Pictures!!!

Happy June!

Hi everyone! We hope that this email is finding all of you in good health & enjoying the summer! :) Things here are good! We went to Missouri to visit all our family & friends for a week & just got back to Florida Saturday around midnight. It was nice seeing all of you that we got to see & if we missed you, we hope to see you when we come home for Christmas.

Kali & Kaleb are now in Iowa to stay the summer with their dad & are VERY excited. (They haven't seen him since Christmas)

Abby is here with us & we also brought our niece (Brianna) to stay with us for the summer. She has NEVER been to Florida & was sooo excited to get here (even though most of the drive was 'where are we now?'...HAHA)! The girls started Vacation Bible School last night at our church also & are really having a great time. :)

Jay went back to work on the ship today so it's be back to normal in our house (except minus 2 kiddos).

We would love to hear from you! Please let us know how you & your families are doing.

Love, Sarah

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

YAY For Hubby!

Did I mention that the night before the ship got back Jay put on 1st class?! YAY! Now he is officially FC1 Otto! :) WOO HOO! Soooo proud! :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

He's Home!!!!

YAY! My hero, Sailor, husband & best friend is now HOME! The ship got in around 11am on Saturday (April 18, 2009)! It was a GREAT homecoming! :) So far we are just enjoying our time together as a whole family again (along with getting ALL laundry caught up...LOL)! :) Here are a few pics! :)