Wednesday, June 15, 2016

There's Divinity in Simplicity.....

Something that used to fascinate me was the struggle most people have when it comes to creating success in their lives.  How some people were able to create such amazing results in their lives while others didn't.   

For years I had convinced myself that it must be higher intelligence, better circumstances in their up-bringing, luck, etc... I was convinced that in order to achieve the highest levels available in life you had to be really smart and know how to pull off really complicated things and that if you were lucky enough one day all the super complicated and complex work would pay off. 

What I've learned since then is really the complete opposite....

There have been studies that have demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that success has nothing to do w/ IQ or how smart you are, how you look, where you come from, what level of education you have, what race you are, what religion you subscribe to, etc....

In fact the only conclusive results anyone could ever come to was that the people who enjoyed the highest levels of success were simply the people who were more committed to doing the simple shit consistently over long periods of time until they became habits.  

These people were able to shift through the chaos and focus their time, energy and efforts on the simple 20% that produces 80% of results.  


Your level of success in any given area of your life with come down to your ability and willingness to do the SIMPLE things every single day over extended periods of time.  

Obviously "simple" means different things at different levels but we all have to start somewhere.   The funny thing is regardless of simplicity these are usually the things we avoid the most hence, our lack of results. 

We avoid them because we make success or change out to be this big scary monster that require big scary actions when in reality it's about doing the simple stuff.  

You want a better marriage?   
- Try going on a date night a week, sending one text a day, sending flowers once a month or spending just 15 min a day being present with your spouse. 

You want a better body?  
- Try having one green smoothie a day, hitting the gym for 60 min a day or doing something physically active daily 

You want a better business? 
- Try reading something educational for 30 min every day, investing in a coach/mentor, attending a seminar or event or simply spending 1 hour a day working ON your business in the areas of Sales, Systems & Marketing. 

Focused BUT Simple actions taken consistently over extended periods of time lead to BIG RESULTS! 


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