Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh, What A Day!

Good evening everyone! :) Hope that you've had a great Thursday! :)
I, myself, have had a VERY busy busy BUSY day! (Did I mention busy?! LOL)
I had a doc appointment this morning & mentioned to the doc about these 2 warts on my right hand (one I have had since I was like 10 years old) so she put in for me to go to the wart clinic (yes there is a particular clinic for that at our base clinic...LOL). So I picked up my meds & then waited...& waited...& waited...finally 1pm came along & my name was called (even though I can't figure out why no one can pronounce Otto correctly...thought that was obvious...guess I thought wrong). The guy froze them & told me that I have to come back next Thursday & the Thursday after that to get it done again...oh YAY...NOT! Now my thumb has a huge water blister on it...argh! :( Oh well...soon they will be gone...oh the price we pay for beauty!
Then, I came home & relaxed for about an hour (actually spent the time chatting it up with my mother-in-law...LOVE that woman!)...then picked up kiddos...from there we went to Abby's Orthodontist appointment....
Since the brackets on the back of her front teeth (that cost $139 mind you) aren't working to keep her teeth off of her lip, her orthodontist wants to start phase 1 of braces...SOOO, on April 7 Abby is having braces put on...only on the move her teeth BACK to where they should be...OH YAY! Wish us luck on THAT venture! We may need it!
Ok, that's it for today so far....tonight will be spent cuddling with the kids...I love them!!! We are also on the countdown for daddy to be home! :) WOO HOO! I hope that you have a great evening & enjoy your time with your families!
Love, Sarah

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