Saturday, March 21, 2009

Twilight Saga

Ok, I just have to talk about something for a minute. How is it that a book series can pull you into its world to the point that you become almost OVER obsessed?! People are at a bookstore or at a place that sells DVD's at MIDNIGHT to get a certain book or movie. Why?! I still have yet to figure it out BUT, I am one of the people that if she could, she would...HAHA! I ALMOST kept the kids up till midnight so that I could go to WalMart to buy Twilight but, my better judgement told me NOT to so, I didn't. I waited till 8am, made the kids get up & get dressed & made them get in the car so that I could go give into my urge...LOL! There is something about the Harry Potter & the Twilight series that has me hooked...not sure why. I do know that Jay got REALLY annoyed when the Twilight trailers first came out last summer & I made him sit & watch them over & over & over again...well, now he can rest assured that once he gets home (not much longer...YAY!) that I will be making him sit & watch the whole movie...HAHA (I love you baby!)! And, I will always believe in my own little world that it will be for his own good...HAHA! I have even gotten my neighbor hooked on the for the movie! Yep, Sarah is hooking the world on Twilight, one person at a time! ;)

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