Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Otto Family Update

Hello again everyone!  It's been quite a few years since I've blogged & I apologize!  LOTS has happened in our household & I guess I should post a quick update.  :)

Since I last blogged, we have had 2 MAJOR changes....in December 2011 we moved from Florida to Virginia....& in November 2015, Jay transferred to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii as a geobachelor (meaning the kids & I are staying in Virginia while he completes his tour).  I also was able to leave my FT 9-5 job at the local Realtor Association in March 2015 to focus my full attention to my Thirty-One business & team.  :)  

The kids are growing like weeds.  Kali will be 16 in just a few short months.....really not sure how THAT happened.  She is a Freshman in high school & in the band.  Her favorite subjects are band & math.  Abby is 15 & her favorite subject is French. She would love to visit Paris someday.  Kaleb is going to be 14 in just a couple months & has his whole life planned out.  HAHA!  I call him my personal Sheldon (from the Big Bang Theory).

Sam (our Yorkie) is 15 &, sadly, quite blind & deaf now. We are treasuring each day we have with him...because we know they are numbered.  Sadie is, well, Sadie.  HAHA!  She's 120 pounds of energy & love.

As I said before, Jay is in Hawaii now for his last tour in the Navy.  November 2017 can't get here fast enough!  I am keeping busy with 3 crazy teenagers, 2 dogs, a house to manage, & a Thirty-One team to celebrate, encourage, & reward!  :)

Our life is crazy & choatic....but it's OUR life!

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